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흰꽃세덤 Sedum album

by 모산재 2006. 7. 16.


흰꽃세덤은 북부 온대지역의 건조한 토양이나 바위지대에 서식하는 돌나물과의 풀로, 원예종으로 도입되었다.

바위 표면에 이끼방석처럼 붙어서 잘 자라고 둥글둥글한 잎과 별모양의 흰 꽃이 아름다워 정원에 가꾸기에 좋은 식물이다. 가을에는 붉은색 단풍이 드는 잎도 매력적이다.  

흰꽃세덤 Sedum album | white stonecrop / 돌나물과 꿩의비름속

White stonecrop is a tufted perennial herb that forms mat-like stands. Much of the year the stems are short, semi prostrate and densely clad in leaves. At the flowering time in July and August, the stems lengthen and are erect, occasionally branched and often pinkish-brown. The leaves are alternate, fleshy and nearly cylindrical with a blunt, rounded tip. They are also sometimes tinged with pink, especially in drought-stressed plants.

The starry flowers form a dense cyme. The calyx has five fleshy sepals fused at the base, the corolla consists of five regular white petals, there are ten stamens, a separate gynoecium and five pistils. The fruit is five united, many-seeded follicles.