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멕시코담쟁이 Cissus rhombifolia 'Ellen Danica' |Oak Leaf Ivy

by 모산재 2009. 11. 10.


중남미의 따뜻한 지역에 자라는 포도과의 상록 덩굴식물이다. 잎이 참나무를 닮아 Oak Leaf Ivy라 불린다.

관엽 식물로 공중걸이 등에 많이 이용한다. 국가표준식물목록에서는  '엘렌다니카 담쟁이덩굴'이라는 품종명으로 등록되어 있다.



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멕시코담쟁이 Cissus rhombifolia | Oak Leaf Ivy, Venezuela Tree Vine / 포도과 덩굴성 상록 관엽식물


원산지는 중남미의 멕시코, 콜롬비아, 브라질, 서인도제도이다. 잎은 연녹색 혹은 녹색으로 광택이 난다. 직사광선이나 반그늘에서 모두 잘 자라며 음지에서도 자란다.


Cissus rhombifolia 'Ellen Danica', a bushy cultivar of the Venezuelan Treebine, an evergreen, tendril-climbing vine native to tropical America. 'Ellen Danica' has leaflets with deeply toothed edges and is widely used as a foliage house plant. Leaves are darker green and less glossy than the species, and it stays more compact. Vigorous, bushy growth.


The first and most common type was Cissus rhombifolia known as Grape Ivy since the foliage resembles grape leaves and it climbs with the aid of tendrils. Compound leaves with 3 leaflets; stems covered in soft brown hair; vine-like habit with tendrils that allow it to climb.

Ellen Danica, a sport with leaves resembling an oak leaf, was the next variety to enter the market. The loosely arranged leaflets and leaflet lobing give this cultivar a finer texture than the others.  <http://toptropicals.com 등 참조>